Download the latest Cosmic Stroll 2 Immersive Experience for iPhone, Android, Mac, Windows and Meta Quest 2


Explore the galactic data from your desktop, available for Microsoft Windows 10 and 11, and for Apple MacOS Intel and Silicon processors.

The mobile version of Cosmic Stroll that does not need any headset to be used and is separate from the Google Cardboard edition.
Meta Quest 2 VR

Download the APK to sideload onto your own Metaquest 2 headset. Please install from your PC or Mac, via the free Meta Quest Hub and drag the APK app file onto the device to install.
Watch how to use Cosmic Stroll 2 on the Meta Quest 2 VR Headset
Take a VR trip billions of years into the past of the Cosmos and navigate through galaxies and voids …
Comic Stroll 2 is a Google Cardboard compatible mobile app for Android and iPhone that gives you that chance to explore the data captured represented in the Galaxy map (right) created by Astronomers as part of the The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS Sloan Digital Sky Survey) project using data collected during the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
The app takes you to the virtual Exhibition, which gives the user an explanation to the nature of the universe and how we can travel back three billions years and explore these distant objects. Then step through the airlock and look around at actual images of galaxies and move amongst them.
This mobile app is free to download and use.

Cosmic Stroll 2.0 has been developed with the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation (ICG) at the University of Portsmouth and has been further developed by Blue Donut Studios‘ dedicated AR and VR team called Imersar.
Cosmic Stroll supports Android and iPhone and operates with any Google Cardboard compatible headset.

Cosmic Stroll 2.0 has been developed with the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation (ICG) at the University of Portsmouth and has been further developed by our creative team and our new dedicated AR and VR company called Imersar.
Cosmic Stroll will supports Android and iPhone and operates with any Google Cardboard compatible headset.
This is the second version of the application that is based on initial work by the the ICG developing models of the universe using the data captured by the Sloan Telescope SDSS project and the ICG’s own supercomputer called Sciama.
With this VR App the user can explore this amazing cosmological data and visit the most distant regions of the younger universe.
There are already a vast number of galaxies to explore in this next step in the application’s development. We expect to add more of the 1.3 million galaxies we have data for.